This blog entry is actually for myself. Sometimes, I get confused with the function names because the names are similar to each other. Below are the names and descriptions of their outputs.
<!--- Returns an absolute path from logical path (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my_app\) --->
<!--- Returns the absolute path of the application base page (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my_app\index.cfm) --->
<!--- Returns the absolute path of the page (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my_app\views\main\default.cfm) --->
<!--- Returns the directory from an absolute path (e.g., C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my_app\views\main\) --->
<!--- Returns the filename including the extension from an absolute path (e.g., default.cfm) --->
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Most of time when we write code, we assume everything works like it should. However in reality, anything could happen. ColdFusion provides a way for us to handle exceptions gracefully. All these tags and the function are very useful, especially when the application interacts with third-party systems.
Wrap code that could potentially cause an exception with this tag.
This tag is placed inside <cftry> block. If an exception occurs, the tag would catch it; and we could handle it, such as logging the message or giving users a better error message.
<cfthrow />
This tag is placed inside <cftry> block. If something did not work as expected, we could throw a custom exception and let <cfcatch> handles it.
<cfrethrow />
This tag is placed inside nested <cfcatch> block. Nested <cftry>/<cfcatch> block provides a granular way to handle exceptions. If inner <cfcatch> could not handle it, we use <cfrethrow /> to send the exception to its parent.
This function is placed in Application.cfc. It catches any errors that are not caught by <cftry>/<cfcatch> block. So, whether you implement <cftry>/<cfcatch> block or not in your code, it would be wise that you implement this function.
I found the referring document above is not complete. It's missing <cffinally>...</cffinally>. The tag is used to wrap processes that needs to be run before exiting <cftry>...</cftry>. Keep in mind, it is always run whether there is an exception or not. Without <cffinally>...</cffinally>, any code after <cfcatch>...</cfcatch> would cause an exception.
Some tips for writing better code:
Implement onError() in Application.cfc
Wrap code with <cftry>/<cfcatch>
Use <cfthrow /> for creating custom exception
Use <cffinally>...</cffinally> for running addtional processes after cfcatch
If there is nesting cftry/cfcatch, we can utilize <cfrethrow />