Usually, I wrote my own getters and setters. It's kind of habit since the introduction of <cfcomponent>...</cfcomponent>. However, it took time and made the code longer. So, I decided to try implicit getters and setters by setting accessors="true" and using <cfproperty />. There are two important things that I found:
- We can override implicit getters and setters with our own. However, the implementation has to be both (getter and setter). It cannot be only either getter or setter only.
- The getter and setter attribute in <cfproperty /> is to limit access if they can be called from inside only. Setting getter/setter to false mean the method cannot be called from outside the component. It does not mean to generate or not to generate getter/setter for that property.
<!--- Enable implicit getters and setters ---> <cfcomponent output="false" accessors="true"> <!--- Override its getter and setter. See getDelay() and setDelay(). ---> <cfproperty name="delay" type="numeric" /> <!--- Use its implicit getter and setter ---> <cfproperty name="text" type="string" /> <cffunction name="init" output="false"> <!--- Set initial values ---> <cfset THIS.setDelay(0) /> <cfset THIS.setText("Hi again.") /> <cfreturn THIS /> </cffunction> <cffunction name="echo" output="false" hint="Echoes back whatever received."> <cfargument name="data" required="true" /> <cfset sleep(THIS.getDelay()) /> <cfreturn & " This process was delayed for " & (THIS.getDelay() / 1000) & " seconds." & " Another property with implicit getter/setter: " & THIS.getText() /> </cffunction> <!--- While accessor="true" creates implicit getters/setters, we can override them. However, the implementation has to be one set (getter and setter). It cannot be only getter or setter. ---> <cffunction name="getDelay" output="false" returntype="numeric"> <cfreturn THIS.delay /> </cffunction> <cffunction name="setDelay" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Sets delay in seconds."> <cfargument name="delay" type="numeric" required="true" /> <cfset THIS.delay = ARGUMENTS.delay * 1000 /> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
Reference: Implicit Get and Set Functions